Donorinfo is an independent public utility foundation offering objective and transparent information to any person willing to support a philanthropic organization providing help to the people in need.
Donorinfo supports the de Duve Institute. Click on the logo below to see our page.
The mission of Donorinfo
Donorinfo was set up in 2005 as a public utility foundation, primarily intended for donors with a desire to support one or more charities. Its aim is to provide a guarantee for giving with confidence.
To this purpose, all information it provides should remain not only accurate and reliable, but transparent and impartial as well, and free of charge. Donorinfo’s core objective is to induce a significant increase in donations to charities.
Audited financial information
Donorinfo guarantees that all published information originates from annual accounts, audited either by a company auditor or a chartered accountant, member of the IAB-IEC or an accountant, member of the BIBF-IPCF.
The purpose of such an audit is not to establish the efficiency of the expenses, but rather to check whether they are correctly charged to the corresponding items in the annual accounts.
Donorinfo regularly checks whether the published data are still up-to-date and annually updates the financial data.
For most part of the charities, donors can consult financial data from previous years, allowing donors to compare and follow their evolution.
Donorinfo does not provide a rating label, but a guarantee for giving with confidence.
Independence and free of charge
In order to preserve total independence, the foundation has chosen to remain self-supporting. The foundation does not apply for subsidies nor does it accept donations or sponsoring. The foundation was set up by a private person.
Any charity, regardless of size, visibility or fame, can publish its information on, provided it is established in Belgium and active in Belgium and/or abroad. Donorinfo does not make any selection, but organizations are required to meet a number of well-defined criteria. Such diversity promotes visibility of all charities, whether large or small.
Donorinfo offers free of charge service, for the public (use of database) as well as for the charities (both editing and translation), creating the opportunity for all charities to qualify for publication, and at the same time endorsing values such as pluralism and diversity.
Moreover, charities need not apply for membership nor contribute a membership fee.
Donorinfo does not provide financial support and has chosen not to attribute a quality label, but rather to provide the unbiased information that is necessary to be able to make a personal choice from a wide variety of charities.
Donorinfo wishes to encourage charities to provide more transparent financial data for their own benefit, as this will have a positive effect on the public’s confidence. Not only will it allow donors to apply comparative criteria, but charities too can learn from standard financial reporting. Donorinfo regularly deliberates with other participants on this subject.
It is of the utmost importance to Donorinfo that all information you receive is presented in the most objective way, content as well as figures. All incoming texts are therefore objectivized wherever necessary and all financial data is delivered in the same standard form. Our files provide you with the necessary information to make a comparison between various charities.
Pluralism and diversity
Donorinfo will pursue to offer the broadest possible variety of charities.
Moreover, Donorinfo strives to see these values reflected in the board of director’s composition, welcoming different philosophies of life, religious and political beliefs, and making an effort to respect the balance between both genders and the diversity of languages. All board members endorse this diversity as an added value.
On a long-term, Donorinfo wishes to encourage charities to combine forces more often, e.g. by working together systematically or on projects.
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