“Enabling Data-Driven Medicine”


Thursday, February 22, 2018, at 17:00 in auditorium Roi Baudouin B

Seminar given by Dr Jurgi CAMBLONG

CEO, SOPHiA GENETICS, Saint-Sulpice, Vaud, Switzerland


Dr Jurgi Camblong is a molecular biologist. He obtained his PhD at University of Geneva, and was trained as a postdoctoral fellow at Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford. His interests revolved around gene expression, genome looping, bi-directional transcription and gene silencing.

Dr Camblong's current focus is on genomics. The technology of the company he founded, SOPHiA GENETICS, is used by over 360 hospitals across 55 countries and has already analyzed the genomic profiles of over 140K patients. Dr Camblong won the Entrepreneur of the Year Award of Ernst & Young Switzerland.



Auditoire Roi Baudouin B
Avenue E. Mounier 40
1200 Bruxelles
(entrance F of Tower Rosalind Franklin)

Metro Alma



Stefan N. Constantinescu

de Duve Institute